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Advancing Decentralization

In recent weeks, Michael Proper has been leading efforts to introduce innovative solutions aimed at decentralization and financial stability. This article will cover gaining government recognition and navigating legal hurdles using prototype plates, developing gold-backed assets, and improving user experience on our platform.

One key project involves using prototype plates with QR codes. For these plates to be recognizable, we must gain government recognition and navigate legal hurdles, ensuring our operations are compliant.

We are also developing a gold-backed asset that contains real gold. These assets derive value from the gold’s spot price and its conversion to foil, retaining about half their face value when melted. These digital assets, backed by physical gold, are already widely accepted. This initiative aims to create a stable and reliable financial product that can be trusted by users.

To enhance user experience, we are refining processes for transfers, serialization, and handling assets. Our website will integrate these features, making it easier for users to navigate without tracking concerns. We are also collaborating with monetary organizations on inventory, vaulting, insurance, and auditing. These steps ensure that our platform is secure, user-friendly, and transparent.

Michael Proper’s work on gaining government recognition with prototype plates, developing gold-backed assets, and improving user experience is paving the way for a secure and equitable financial future. By reintroducing the gold standard, we aim to combat inflation and ensure economic stability, building a fairer, more equitable future. To learn more go to Digital.World