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A New Internet

The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past.  – Tim Berners-Lee                    

Tim Berners-Lee is credited with the invention of the World Wide Web. He has lived to see his innovations become the most influential communications network in the world, and in the history of the world. And he believes there is more to come.

So do we.

The Internet, as we know it today, is remarkable. It can deliver data around the world at the click of a button. It unites us in ways un-dreamt of 30 years ago. It has changed commerce, politics, social structures, even the psychology of how we interact.

But it isn’t perfect.

Since its inception, there has been an aggregation, much like the aggregation of myriad medieval feudal kingdoms into a few empires. So while the Internet can move life-saving data at lightspeed from rural doctor’s office to metropolitan medical center; it still does so via third-party. 

Third-parties are convenient, but not secure.

The convenience of freely accessing our data, getting recommendations on products we might like, and newsfeeds to our political bent is costing us our privacy…and more. Behavioral profiling manipulates the choices we are presented with, and therefore inhibit our real right to choose. Our digital profile becomes our physical profile based on our likes, our friend connections, our travels, even our family photographs. 

We have lost control of ourselves.

Who we really are is an aggregate of Internet activity and digital relationships. This is scary not only because it puts the definition of identity in the hands of a third-party, but especially because there is room for error in that definition, and opportunity for exploitation.

We’ve lost our digital rights.

Looking to the future of what the Internet should be, we envisage a digital experience without third-party clouds. We believe individual data should stay with the individual and shared on their terms. We believe in making technology that makes digital freedom possible. And that creates opportunities for tomorrow that we can’t even imagine today.

Yes, a new Internet.


The digital control you deserve. The opportunity the world needs. The technology that makes it possible.