This week we are at RootsTech, where genealogists gather to look at the latest technology. So we asked the question: Can changing your phone change your life?
OK, truth is, smartphones have already changed our lives. Much of it for the better. Imagine life without being connected…Some of us couldn’t even find our way to the grocery store or discover a new restaurant without our smartphones. How would we set up meetings, share photos, find deals, and fact-check our know-it-all friends?
Yes, all of the above is possible. But let’s add to the list:
Talk to a doctor about what ails you and get a prescription without a visit to the office
Track your vital health markers: heart rate, oxygen saturation, even blood pressure
Control all your passwords with ironclad security
Access unlimited storage
Block ads, trackers, malware, phishing, behavioral profilers, and inappropriate content
Better connect you with your ancestors
For this crowd, the last point was the most intriguing. Yes, you can already use your smartphone to search databases, use genealogical services, and take pictures of records and headstones. But here’s what genealogists fear most: records that have been inaccurately altered. So they spend a lot of time making sure the facts are correct. And that requires a tool that not only searches without being sidetracked by trackers and malware, but also provides the safest storage solution available so all these records can be scrutinized before they are put onto a public cloud.

ClearPHONE is built on security, storage, and convenience. The days of lugging around hard drives and bulky cameras is over. ClearPHONE has an incredible camera. Storage is unlimited and made secure by decentralization—which means all your photos and records are easily accessible by phone. ClearPHONE uses biometrics as the key to all your passwords. So whether you are logging into or the Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societies, your passwords are unhackable, and you don’t have to remember them. Your face and your finger get you everywhere you need to go.
Yes, ClearPHONE can change your life. Check it out here!