Every time we post a photo or interact with a social media company, we’re putting information out there, and that information should still be ours. If somebody is profiting from…
Ever stopped and thought about how much of your digital self is out there?
Everytime we shop a site, browse a news site, search for a new restaurant, even ping a…
According to a recent article from the associated press, a growing number of states are phasing out physical ID cards as they transition to a digital identification system.
This push for…
Decentralized ecosystems are essential to maintaining a free-market economy & protecting individual liberties !
Over the past century we’ve seen significant changes in the way we live our lives. Much of…
We are giving up our right to privacy, our right to gather, our right to work, our freedom of speech, our pursuit of happiness. Fear will drive us to give…
To truly understand how revolutionary ClearPHONE is, you have to know what regular cell phones do:
They collect and share your personal data to third-parties—big, centralized organizations that make the rules…
In 2013. Mike Maharrey wrote an article in a small publication for the Tenth Amendment Center: “Think of all of the things the federal government involves itself in, and imagine…
Source Data Providers, IOT, storage or cloud services, and of course browsers are collecting your personal data. Everybody is getting in on the act. Personal data is a resource more valuable…
Google and Apple have become the biggest distributors of apps in the world. And now they are flexing their muscles. Both require developers to pay a fee to sell their…